Cahill & Associates
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"Before working with Owner Manager Support Services Limited, our results never agreed with what we expected. OMSS helped us understand why and outlined what we needed to do to achieve the desired results. "
Peter Fitzgerald, MD Fitzgerald Group of companies.
Putting your finger on the pulse of your business  

Who We Work With

Is this you?

We work primarily with owner-managers in the West of Ireland. These managers typically have built up a business from scratch and are struggling to handle the problems that come with success. They work in many areas – ranging from retail through service to manufacturing.

Are any of these statements true for you?

"We are working very hard but our results aren't as good as they should be. We are busier and we have better contracts but at the end of the day we are not doing as well as I expected."

"The accounts my accountant gives me are of no value in managing my business. Even if they had useful information, by the time I get them its way too late to do anything about them."

"It was much easier to manage when we were smaller. When we were smaller I knew what was happening. Now I just can't seem to keep an eye on everything. Some things get dropped and, even when things are getting done, I am not happy with the way they are done."

"There always seem to be surprises. My biggest worry is wondering what will pop out of the woodwork next week. Being a business owner is no longer the fun it was."

"I have invested a lot of money and effort in the administration side of the business but I am still not getting anything that helps me to manage the business."

"My bank manager is frustrated with me. I don't have the information he expects me to have and the predictions I make are not accurate enough. I know he is sympathetic to me but he keeps telling me I am making it difficult for him."

Clients are likely to be successful working with us if...

They really want to improve. They are good operationally and recognize that they have to improve in the management area.

They are not just looking for quick fixes. They are prepared to invest time, and maybe some money, in putting in place the necessary measurement and control processes.

They agree to allocate some time to management rather than devoting all their time to operational issues.

They have an enthusiastic team who want to learn and improve and they are comfortable delegating some responsibility to their team.

If you believe you are the type of client who could benefit from working with us then click here to learn about how we work.

Owner Manager Support Services Limited. Co. Reg. No.: 432469.
Address: 61 Westbrook, Barna Road, Galway, Ireland. Registered in Ireland. Tel:086-2323525. Email: